I hate cleaning. I love a clean house, but the energy required for cleaning is ridiculous. Ok, here's the deal: our landlord is selling this place. Someone almost bought it but backed out at the last minute. And I have to try to keep the apartment clean again. It is extremely frustrating when I get a room looking good, and the boys are there 5 minutes later undoing all I did. So I usually keep the place clean enough for mine and the boys' energy, which is not quite show quality. Luckily the realtor gives us plenty of notice. Yesterday I had all morning to get it done. I skipped my exercise workout, but the house looked good in time. We even ate a picnic lunch (so as not to get peanut butter and honey everywhere). The weather was fantastic, too. Hmm ... clean house, picnic, beautiful weather ... ok, it was worth it. By the way, the realtor's website is scottgwalters.com for anyone interested.
Cute Sammy story: Sammy said, " Come here, Mommy. I need to do something." When I arrived, he reached out his finger, tapped me on the nose and said, "beep!"
Cute Benjamin story: After getting hurt and crying, or after getting what he wants, Benjamin smiles and says, "I'm happy now."
I have a hard enough time keeping a clean house, even without kids--who, as Troy says, are entropy in action. Their purpose in life is to bring all order to a lower state of order. So my future house is doomed.
The funny thing is that my home is actually cleaner now than before the kids were born. Somehow they've taught me to be more organized, too. Probably Mother Nature's way of counter balancing the entropy of children.
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